
Capital Contribution Account

Capital Contribution will earn dividend every year according to the approved rate set by the board. 


Savings Deposit Account

All Capital Contribution Deposits in excess of the maximum limit shall automatically be deposited to this account.


Withdrawal of Deposit

All withdrawals made by authorized representatives must be supported with Valid IDs of the member and the authorized representatives.


Salary Loan

This type of loan is in nature of a consumer loan and can be availed of by members for purposes of financing personal and household needs such as purchase of appliances and other minor purchases, payment of tuition fees, credit cards and other short term liabilities. 


Emergency Loan

This type of loan can be availed of by members for purposes of funding immediate expenses related to death of a family member, hospitalization not covered by health benefits, calamity or fortuitous events, and other circumstances beyond the control of a member. 


Medium Term Loan

This type of loan provides qualified members higher loanable amounts and longer payment terms subject to BSP single borrower’s limit. Regular employees of Coca-Cola Beverage Group with at least four (4) years of service are qualified to avail of this type of loan.


Back to Back Loan

This type of loan is also called Capital Loan as this loan attaches the Capital Contribution and Savings Deposits, if any, of the members as lien to secure the amount of loan. The loanable amount therefore, shall be based on the amount of the Capital Contribution and Savings Deposit of the member.


Who are qualified to be members?
Membership in the Association is purely voluntary in nature. A member is allowed to withdraw his capital contribution anytime as long as he does not fall below the set minimum deposit requirement. All Active and Retired Employees of Coca-Cola Beverage Group at its Head Office and Provincial Plants, and BESALA employees are qualified to be member of BESALA.

1. Accomplished BESALA Membership Application Form
2. Accomplished BESALA Terms and Conditions
2. Accomplished Capital Contribution Declaration Form
3. Accomplished Check Off Authority – Deposit Account
4. 2 x 2 Picture
5. Photocopy of Company ID (Back to Back)
6. Photocopy of Government issued ID (Back to Back) with 3 specimen signature
7. Latest Employee Credit Profile (ECP)
8. Certificate of Employment (COE)
9. Photocopy of ATM payroll card (Back to Back)

Important Reminders
• Applications with incomplete requirements will not be processed.
• Requirements for re-admission/re-activation are the same with new membership application
• Additional documents may be required to support the Membership Application/Update Form.


Capital Contribution Account
Minimum Required Balance: P2,100.00
Maximum Monthly Deposit: P1,000.00
(Note: Deposits in excess ofP1,000.00 will automatically be credited to Savings Deposit Account)

Maximum Capital Contribution Balance: P 500,000.00
(Capital Contribution will earn Dividend every year according to the approved rate set by the Board)
Note: All members are required to declare their individual capital contribution limit by filling out the Capital Contribution Declaration Form 
All members who are already meet their capital contribution limit are required to increase their limit by filling out the Capital Contribution Declaration Form unless otherwise all succeeding deposit will be credited directly to their Savings Deposit Account. Please take note also that once you increase your declared Maximum Capital Contribution it can no longer be reduced (Pursuant to BSP Circular 1045 series of 2019)

Savings Deposit Account
All Capital Contribution Deposits in excess of the maximum limit shall automatically be deposited to this account.
No Minimum or Maximum limit
Earns interest at a rate set by the board
Interest is computed based on average daily balance and posted every end of the month.

Withdrawal of Deposit
All withdrawals must be supported by Withdrawal Slip
Note: The amount that can be withdrawn by the member is the excess amount of Restricted Value. The Restricted Value is the total of the following
1.  Fixed/Non-Withdrawable Capcon declared and;
2. 20% of Principal Loan Balance (these will apply to loans granted prior to Dec 1, 2023) and;
3. 40% of Principal Loan Balance (these will apply to loans granted Dec 1, 2023 onwards)

All withdrawals made by authorized representatives must be supported with Valid IDs of the member and the authorized representatives. Authorization portion in the withdrawal slip must be signed by the member and his Authorized Representative.


Salary Loan
This type of loan is in nature of a consumer loan and can be availed of by members for purposes of financing personal and household needs such as purchase of appliances and other minor purchases, payment of tuition fees, credit cards and other short term liabilities.

Emergency Loan
 This type of loan can be availed of by members for purposes of funding immediate expenses related to death of a family member, hospitalization not covered by health benefits, calamity or fortuitous events, and other circumstances beyond the control of a member.

Medium Term Loan
 This type of loan provides qualified members higher loanable amounts and longer payment terms subject to BSP Single Borrowers Limit. Regular Employees of Coca-Cola Beverage Group with at least five (5) years of service are qualified to avail of this type of loan.

Requirements (Salary, Emergency, Medium Term Loan)
• Duly accomplished Loan Application Form
• Duly accomplished Promissory note
• Duly accomplished Authority to Deduct - Loan
• 2 latest pay slips for semi-monthly payroll employees and 1 latest pay slip for monthly payroll employees
• Latest Employees Credit Profile 
• Photocopy of Company ID (borrower and co-makers)
• Photocopy of one (1) Government issued ID (with signature) Back-to-Back
   with three (3) specimen signatures and contact number (borrower)

Back to Back Loan
This type of loan is also called Capital Loan as this loan attaches the Capital Contribution and Savings Deposits, if any, of the members as lien to secure the amount of loan. The loanable amount therefore, shall be based on the amount of the Capital Contribution and Savings Deposit of the member. Terms of payment and interest rate applied shall be the same as that of the Salary Loan. The member may opt to automatically offset his/her capital/savings account as payment of the monthly amortization payment or / he/she may leave postdated checks (PDC’s) corresponding to the monthly amortization payment.

Requirements (Back to Back Loan)
• Duly accomplished Loan Application Form
• Duly accomplished Promissory Note
• Signed Deed of Assignment (available at BESALA office upon availment)
• Post Dated Checks corresponding to the monthly amortization schedule.


7TH Floor, ACE Building, Dela Rosa corner Rada Street
Legaspi Village, Makati City 


Email: info @             
Phone: 8892-4146; 8841-0579
Globe: 0917-5863-866
Smart: 0968-854-3779


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